Monday, March 25, 2013

Chicken Noodle Soup with Matzo Balls

A delicious homemade soup is always welcome on a cold night.  My kids often request  chicken noodle soup.   I use matzo balls too with lots of noodles and chicken to make this a very hearty meal.  My younger kids haven't been daring enough yet to try the matzo balls,  but my older daughter and my husband and I enjoy them very much.  I use the packaged Matzo Ball and Soup mix and the soup package of vegetables in my supermarkets produce section for a little bit of a shortcut.  The flavors of the kosher soup mix, mixed with the homemade stock is perfect.  Make a big enough pot for to enjoy leftovers the next day.

2 large chicken breasts, bone in
1  vegetable soup package - with onion, carrots, parsnip, turnip, leek, celery, parsley, dill - peeled, rinsed, cut vegetables in half,  herbs put in whole.
1 clove garlic, crushed
1  matzo ball and soup mix
salt and pepper
2-4 carrots, 1/4 inch diced (your preference how many carrots and what size to cut) reserve for later
1 12-16oz box/bag soup noodles, pictured in this bowl I used alphabets, but I like to use orzo, stelline, and pastina too
1 Chicken bouillon cube if needed
Fill a  large soup/stock pot about 3/4 full with water.  Rinse chicken and place in pot with all of vegetables and herbs from soup package, garlic, 2 Tbsps salt, and 1 tsp pepper.  Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer uncovered for approx. 2 1/2 hours.  During this cooking time, stir periodically, stock will evaporate so add more to keep your pot about 3/4 filled.  While the stock is cooking, prepare matzo balls according to package directions.  When the stock is ready remove chicken pieces and let cool before removing meat, remove vegetables and herbs with a slotted spoon.  When chicken is cool enough, remove the meat and cut or break into desired size pieces and return to the pot.  Add the diced carrots.  Add the soup seasoning packet from mix.  Bring to a boil and stir.  Taste the soup and season with more salt and pepper as needed.  Also add more water if needed- to maintain a 3/4 full pot, and bring back to a boil.  Add the matzoh balls and cover, cooking for 10 minutes.  Then add the noodles, do a taste test - if needs more flavoring add 1 chicken bouillon cube and/or some salt and pepper to taste, cover cooking an additional 10 minutes.  Remove cover, stir, turn off heat and serve.

Main ingredients
Starting the stock


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